You’ll make a difference. By writing for ASJ you’ll reach even more people and your post will be shared on the ASJ website for potentially thousands of people to see. You’ll gain credibility and generate more activity on your website. We’ll share links to your website, Facebook, and Instagram, helping you to spread the word about who you are and what you do.

What We're Looking For


Love, relationship, engagement, wedding, and jewelry stories, advice, tips, ideas, and inspiring articles.

Quality Writing

Well-written and high quality original articles that aim to inspire, motivate, encourage, comfort, teach and empower others.

High Quality Photos

All contributors are encouraged to submit original and high-quality photos with their posts. Photos should be at least 900 pixels wide by 400 pixels tall. If you have a short YouTube video (no longer than 2 minutes), we will consider including that in the post as well.

Article Requirements


You must be the author and owner of each post you submit. Your posts can be published elsewhere (on other websites, in other publications, etc.), as long as you still retain the legal right to it. If your post is published at www.abbysparks.com, you will retain control and ownership of your writing, and we will be happy to remove it upon your request. All submissions will be verified for originality.

Word Count

ASJ posts typically run between 300-1200 words. Please stay under 1200 words.

Bio and Website

We do not compensate contributors for posts, but we do feature your bio along with links to your website, Facebook, and Instagram to help you gain credibility and generate more activity on your website.

By submitting to Abby Sparks Jewelry you acknowledge that you accept our terms, and any editing that might occur on behalf of the ASJ team.

Once your posts go live, feel free to share them with your friends via email, your website, Facebook, Twitter, and any other social media.


1. Does my article have a strong and catchy title?

2. Am I submitting an article photo that is eye-catching and directly related to my article?

3. Does my article meet all of the criteria outlined on the previous pages: original content, word count, photo size, etc.?

4. Is my article inspiring, motivating, encouraging, comforting, or empowering?

5. Have I reviewed other ASJ articles to make sure my submission is similar in style, tone, and format?

6. Is my article succinct, straight to the point, easy to follow, and fun to read?

7. Am I offering readers actionable tips?

8. Have I given proper attribution for quotations, data, and other third-party sources referenced in the article?

9. Is my article formatted exactly as I want it to appear (bold headings, italics, paragraph breaks, etc.)?

10. Has my article been carefully edited for grammatical errors and improvements?

Ready to submit?

Please email us the following:

  • Your full post and title as a word document attached to your email.
  • Image(s) for your post (please send as separate files, not pasted within a doc). Images can be personal photographs or photos from this website, or free photo sites such as Istock, Shutterstock, Unsplash, etc.
  • Your bio (less than 100 words) with links to your website and/or social profiles.

All of the above can be sent to h[email protected].

By submitting to Abby Sparks Jewelry you acknowledge that you accept our terms, and any editing that might occur on behalf of the ASJ team. We receive a high volume of submissions every week and we don’t have the opportunity to respond to all submissions, but we can assure you that we read every single article submitted. If your post has been accepted, we will let you know as soon as it is live, which may take up to several months. Abby Sparks Jewelry is under no obligation to post your submission.

Interested in submitting a Sparks Story? We are always accepting Abby Sparks Jewelry client submissions about your unique love story. Fill out our questionnaire and send your photos to h[email protected].

Want To Design Your Own Custom Jewelry?

We will work with you to help you take the first step toward designing a ring.